Our Sheep
At Meadow Song Acres, we have a passion for sheep. We raise them on on grass and minerals alone for high Omega 3 fat and full nutrient profile. They are intensively grazed through lush pastures all summer to ensure quality meat growth. We never give our flock any drugs, vaccines, added hormones or genetically modified feed.

Our Cattle
At Meadow Song Farms our beef is raised in a way you can feel good about supporting. With a diet of only grass, leaves and minerals, this beef is packed with nutrition. They are never given any drugs, vaccines, hormones or genetically modified feed, ever in their life!
Our Pigs
At Meadow Song Farms we believe in raising pigs the way they were created to live. Our pigs have the liberty to root through the ground in search of tasty roots and other delicious morsels. They romp through the pasture nibbling on forage and basking in the summer sunshine. We supplement their diet with organically raised feed, and they are never given any drugs, vaccines, added hormones or genetically modified feed ever in their life!
Our Rabbits
At Meadow Song Farms our rabbits have the rare privilege of being raised on pasture. As soon as they are old enough we take them to outdoor pens where they can dig for roots and nibble on tender green shoots. We never give our rabbits any medicated feed and they are raised without any drugs, hormones or vaccines.
Our Ducks
Here at Meadow Song Acres our ducks play a vital role in our diversified operation. They roam their pasture chasing bugs and plucking tasty leaves. All our birds are hatched on farm and the females are raised for eggs and the males for meat. We never give our ducks any drugs, vaccines, added hormones or genetically modified feed, ever in their life.
Our Geese
At Meadow Song Acres our geese are the link to genuinely pastured poultry. Geese are the only species of birds that truly graze and ours are given the privilege to. We constantly move them to fresh pasture for quality forage access. We supplement their diet with non-GMO feed. They are never given any drugs, vaccines or hormones ever in their life.